I Graduated with a Degree in Exercise Science from Brigham Young University on April 24th and 25th. These were the dreaded steps to get up to campus...so this picture has some meaning to it. Can't put my finger on it, but theres some meaning.

My gorgeous wife katrina. She ran and ran to make sure I had my tassel on graduation day. We found out it was missing an hour before showtime and she ran home and looked for it, couldn't find it and then she parked her car by the tennis courts, ran to the new hinkley center to buy a new one and ran back down to the smith fieldhouse to get me a tassel. Thats a long way! especially in sandals with short legs. and it has those nightmare stairs! She went the extra mile on that one. And I was the only one with balloons. Somebody loves me.

The after graduation dinner at Janice's. The little ones are my nieces and nephews. They are a riot to have around.

I gave my dad the sash of appreciation. I cried when I gave it to him. What a pansy eh?

Our Friends the Grimmets also graduated and this was right before they moved to oregon. Game nights will never be quite the same.
1 comment:
What a good looking crew!!! (Not us... your fam! Well I guess us too! :) ) We miss you guys but are so glad to see that you have a blog! Now we can stay caught up on your lives!!!
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