Katrina and I at the Jazz-Rockets game 6 in the first round of the playoffs. The Jazz clinched the series that night and destroyed the Rockets in the second half. Since the Sonics are toying with moving I've somewhat adopted the Jazz for now as my basketball team. Katrina got the sweet hookup from Fed Ex cause she works in a shipping department. We got to eat in the sponsor room...and we stuffed ourselves silly and went out to some great seats. It was a fun night because they had a contortionist who fit himself into a box and they set the world record for the worlds longest trampoline dunk. There were lots of fireworks and balloons and people cheering like crazy. I will miss having salt lake so close. We love going up there. We even went up to a Salt Lake Bees baseball game last night with some friends who are also going to Ohio State.

Our view. We could hear players and coaches. We could see facial expressions. It was awesome. But the greatest part of all was that we got them for free!
That is so AWESOME! We are totally jealous and we miss being there!
Hey guys! We played colleseum with my mom tonight. It was not the same with just 3 players! We miss you guys! How is Ohio looking? Any place to live?
How did I not know that you are a blogger?! I'm glad to have spotted you though... thanks to your comment on mine! So I'll be frequenting this page now... Looks like you've been busy and are having a fun time while doing it all.
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