So we had a fun night with my sisters kids last night while she went and watched the batman movie. We wanted to help them out because they are in the midst of remodeling their house and their living room recently got thrashed in preparation for the additions to the house. We had a Noahs ark theme night. We bought a load of ice cream and animal related candy and decided to build an ark...

We started out with a graham cracker floor with frosting to hold the pieces together, katrina just couldn't help but taste our ark glue!

This was our ark building crew consisting of clockwise from katrina....Gabe, Payton, Talia and Jared.

Payton building the roof. You'll notice it has a pointed roof just like Noahs ark!

We had the animals entering the ark two by two. We had gummi bears, animal cookies that had elephants and lions and tigers and bears, we had gummi worms, humans named mike and ike and mr goodbar... who we used as noah.

After careful construction with a team of experienced builders...
Voila! an Ark to survive the chocolate flood! We couldn't help that it looked suspiciously like a house. But you'll notice the deck, the pointed roof, the walkway into the ship are all pretty much exactly like what is described in the bible..ok not really but there were some similarities to the ark that was in EVAN ALMIGHTY which we watched to complete our ark evening of fun.

The chocolate flood couldn't bring down our ark!

We then had ice cream and used the destroyed ship to top our ice cream as we watched the rest of Evan Almighty. All in all it was a fun fun night. We added in guitar hero. Payton said it was related to the theme because Noah was a hero. We also played taboo with names of animals...Talia was able to get people to guess animals the fastest. We also did a name an animal game through the first couple letters of the alphabet! So yeah... use our idea for a family night and see if you can build a ship mightier than ours!
That was AWESOME! You guys rock!!! But I thought you were living in Ohio. I'm way confused! We still love you though.
What a great idea! You guys are so creative. You would be awesome PARENTS!!!! :) Hope things are going well for you! Katrina -- have you found a job yet? I think of you guys often!
Hey, when do you guys move to Ohio? Shaun, Mais, and I will be coming to Provo on Monday, August 25 and we are staying through wednesday. Will you be there? We would love to see you. Our hotel has a pool so we can totally go swimming! Let me know!
Hey I need your address in Ohio because I want to send you guys something! Email it to me soon! Thanks.
This comment is from informing you that your account will be cancelled due to inactivity!!! C'mon you guys!!! Your last entry was July 20th. We're dying to see what happened on July 21st, July 22nd, July 23rd, etc. :D We hope all is well in Columbus, and we're sorry you live in such a "blue" state! Obama lovers!!! hahaha We hope the move went well, and we can't wait to see and hear more from you (via your blog, right??!!).
Adam and Brandi
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