Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
Olentangy Indian Caves
7 months
OSU Optometry School
May 2010
5 months
5 months
(w great-grandpa Knutson-92!)
Grant, Idaho
4 months
Chicago, IL
Valentine's 2010
3 months
Baby Blessing
2 months
Provo, UT
Provo UT
So, for the longest time I viewed blogs as a waste of time...until I read Julie and Julia. Although this book had far more foul language than I could stand (who would have thought and how disappointing), there was a part in it where the narrator said essentially that by writing about something like the mundane every day workings of life, it sets it apart and makes it special. I can now respect blogs. Plus, lets be honest, I have a ridiculously cute here I go. I always said I would never do this...well, never say never. Move over Andrew, I here by claim a stake in our "blog". Even if no one reads it, I truly feel that my every day life is special and it is made so by a beautiful son and a ever-loving husband. Here's to the last 8 months of mommyhood.